If anybody has a solution let me know! If I miracu...
# general
If anybody has a solution let me know! If I miraculously find one, will post it here.
@_nikhilpalli can you briefly explain how you accomplished this with customization
I was not able to do it. the closest i got was to have the search emailed and copy and paste into excel. My solution was a pdf
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I will still keep looking!
I’ve used a JS library to trigger the export of images to Excel and the only issue I had was that the size needs to be exactly the size you expect them to be in Excel. In other words, you can’t export a full-sized image and expect it to be constrained inside an Excel cell.
@Eric B what was the name of the js library?
*waiting with bated breath.
I myself found a js library that writes to excel files, but haven't tried to integrate in Netsuite yet. https://github.com/exceljs/exceljs
I’m not 100% sure if this was the one that worked for me since I no longer have access to the account where I implemented this. I have the code BUT since the script reference is obscured by the NS generated URL for any file that’s in the file cabinet, I cannot verify if this was the one that worked for me since I tried 3 or 4 JS libraries.
Here’s another one I tried…but again I’m not sure if this was the one that worked.
Thanks! Will check them out
We are able to do this... sort of. We use Cloudinary to host images because of their ability to "transform" images on the fly based on parameters in the URL. So... we copy/paste the output of the CSV Saved search to a google Sheet file which then takes the value into another cell with the formula =image(CONCATENATE("CloudinaryHostURLPathMinusActualFileName","h_200,w_200",CellContainingFileName),3) and it displays the image. The images aren't stored in the file per se, but it renders them! Attached example
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That's good for internal users - doesn't help so much on the external facing excel docs
Side note - I'm bookmarking those 3 pages for the next time this requirement comes up. Why didn't you answer my question on the NS professional's page??!? haha
*cries from last year
Hey, I found a solution as well. I used exceljs or excel builder (deprecated). The idea is 1. Create a Suitelet with a saved search for items or what you want with images 2. Have an export button that makes a GET request with the search parameters for an HTML page 3. Have the exceljs or excel builder library work inside the script tags of the HTML page and now they download an xlsx file with images!
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