I can validate my project and deploy against my cu...
# sdf
I can validate my project and deploy against my current account just fine. When i go to validate against another account, it tells me that there are objects in my manifest that do not exist in the target account. Thats what i'd expect if i'm transferring over data but validation fails. Its weird "<record>.val_" objects which appears to be 1 entry per record instance. Anyone know whats up there?
Check the dependencies under manifest. If there are some, remove them and then try to deploy.
The dependencies look fine for files and the other objects appear to be script params. Its like i need to create everything in the account and then validate and deploy. Otherwise its telling me the files don't exist and the script params objects aren't in the account. This def does't feel right though as the entire purpose of validate/deploy is to validate before you deploy to the account so I am expecting nothing to be there thats why I am deploying it.
Me: "I would like to validate and deploy these files to account B" Netsuite: "Error validating... the files don't exist" Me: "Yes, I know, I want them to be deployed"
I haven't faced the problem deploying to an account that doesn't have objects like fields, records, etc.
But it throws an error when they are listed as Dependencies.
That is odd @creece
If i remove the objects or files in the manifest, it fails validation (which i'd expect). I just don't understand why it fails when its a different account? Maybe because of the project type being an account customization?
all i did was add dependencies to manifest which is an automated process
don't add dependencies
Yep, tried that and it yells at me for not having the Objects as the script records XML references the value as the list of Objects in the manifest appear to be script params... here's the error i see when I validate against another account before deploy (nothing exists in there as I want to deploy)
message has been deleted
all of this was added automagically. The files are correct and the Objects are def referenced.
Change your deploy.xml and add only the missing part first.
Oh.. wait.. everything is missing?
yes. I just want to take the stuff from account A and deploy to a new account B
This is weird...
I have moved stuff from SB to Prod which didn't exist before in Prod... had no issues.
Did you reach out to NS?
only in here. I figured i was doing something stupid and it would be obvious.
Is your SDF plugin updated?
yeah its validating/deploying via bitbucket pipelines
Got it to validate/deploy but still a bit confused. I deleted the deployments of the script that was referencing the objects and then re-imported everything and it validated and deployed. Maybe you can't include deployments of an MR w/ a parameter that is List/record.
Update - You def can. The manifest.xml is just pulling in junk when you right click and add dependencies along with the actual useful stuff. Just not gonna touch this manifest again unless we need to turn on/off features.
I think that update manifest feature being over eager is an issue raised previously and they are aware of it. I don't use it, unless I intend to go in and hack out everything I know was bogusly added.