I've been working on an SDF project in a tstdrv ac...
# sdf
I've been working on an SDF project in a tstdrv account. I am now going to start the process to get it into the Suite App Marketplace (BFN certified, etc). I have a separate account wired up for our "SDN Partner" account. Anyone have any tips on how I might ensure I don't break certain objects, specifically we're leveraging an
record and a
. Can I just deploy my existing SDF project into the SDN partner account? Or will I need to re-create the integration and secret objects in that account. I'm hoping I don't have to re-create those objects, specifically the integration object, as that will be new client id/secret, which will make my app more complicated. The way those integration records work is a bit different, as it creates a unique id, and the xml just references the id.
I went through that exact same process. I was able to continue using the integration record from my dev account and deploy from my SDN partner account.
Cool. I haven't tried yet, but say I should be able to just upload my zip and it “just works”?
I guess the trade off is ensuring that the account that integration record came from stays secured; that the int record never gets deleted
int record never gets deleted
Main reason I lay awake at night