I am struggling trying to get a custom record item...
# general
I am struggling trying to get a custom record item from a sublist show in an email template and could use some guidance on what I am doing wrong. • My Custom Record is linked to the transaction via the tranid and that field id is
. • On that Custom Record I have Allow Child Record Editing checked and Enable Mail Merge Unchecked. • The field I am trying to get to print is
. This field has Show in List and Record Is Parent as unchecked but Store Value is checked. • In my email template I am using the following:
<#list transaction.recmachcustrecord159 as rec>${rec.custrecord158}</#list>
From what I read and from advise given here and elsewhere this should be working but it is not. What am I doing wrong?
Screenshot of the sublist on edit of the transaction?
that looks like a parent/child sublist
whats the output of your email template
Blank - does not print anything,
This is my custom record setting:
what does the source of your email template look like
source button is the first button labeled div
under the message field
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<span style="font-family:Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;">ITN Number -&nbsp;</span><br />
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&nbsp;<#--FM:BEGIN--><#list transaction.recmachcustrecord159 as rec>${rec.custrecord158}></#list><#--FM:END-->&nbsp;<br />
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<span style="font-family:Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;">Should you have any questions or require additional information please let me know.<br />
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Thank you and Regards.<br />
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that all looks valid
try loading the record in suitescript and logging it
sorry - a little lost on how to load a record and log it.
sorry, forgot i wasnt in the suitescript channel
use the NetSuite Field Explorer extension to take a look at the data behind your transaction
the extension should add a button which shows the data on your transaction
there should be a section with your sublist's id in there with a list of your fields
use it to make sure you got your ids correct
so in my transaction the sublist does not appear.
what sublists are on it?
this is what I see:
do it on a record that already has records attached
and try to find the sublist that matches yours
you should probably also assign a more usable id to the field you used for the parent/child relationship
you rock! I figured out what my issue was. Although the record was showing in the sublist it was not attached (ie. the attach button was not pressed.) I was not aware that after you create the record you still need to attach it to the transaction.
one question though - i notice that fields that are lists are not showing in the the field explorer. are these not accessible?
which fields
disregard. i did not have the show in list checked off for those fields.