I have a saved search that sends out an email when...
# general
I have a saved search that sends out an email when a task is created but the sender email is showing as the person who created the search. Is there a way to have the email sender be the creator of the task?
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@pen one I am not sure if you can reach the owner email field through a task search, but what you could try is in the "From" for the saved search email, you could add the field ID "{owner}" and then something like <netsuite@(entercompanydomainhere).com> for a generic not real email, like we do for saved search alerts. This work around will at least show the name of the task creator in the From section of the email, but the email address itself won't be their email.
I can't help but to chime in since we have a similar problem. That looks nice but should we use {createdby} instead of owner? Or are they the same (the creator of the task not the saved search)?
the {owner} field ID in a task search is the field "Created By" on tasks. So {owner} on a task search will pull the name of the person that created the task
Here is a screenshot after clicking on the "Created By" field on a task showing that {owner} is the ID
Noted. But it's really confusing which one to follow since when I select the Created By field on the body of email message or in the Criteria and Results subtabs, it shows {createdby} and not {owner}. I guess we'll just test them.
both Field IDs seem to work.
So it shouldn't matter which one you use. {createdby} or {owner}. Just tested this and they pull the same results
Nice! Thanks!