hi guys, we have a frontend SFCC connected via Cel...
# general
hi guys, we have a frontend SFCC connected via Celigo to Netsuite. Lately we started experiencing a problem where the full gift card money is not captured by Netsuite. NS will randomly not charge a customer a dollar or two. not sure where to even go and start looking for a solution? any help will be greatly appreciated.
Hi @Amtoj, I’m with Celigo and wanted to be sure that, if you think this is actually being caused by the integration, that you’ve raised a Support ticket, etc. I may be able to help drive it forward through those channels.
hi @matt.graney i just opened up a case with Celigo support since it seems to be a integration issue
ticket number is 63034
Thanks @Amtoj, I will take a look
Hi @Amtoj I see you’re working with Stein, you’re in good hands there.
Thanks Matt, hopefully this gets resolved soon. appreciate you lending a helping hand.