Hi, I'm trying to use this formula and NS does not...
# general
Hi, I'm trying to use this formula and NS does not like it. I think I need to add something around the dates. Any ideas? CASE WHEN {duedate} BETWEEN '01/01/2020' AND '31/12/2020' THEN {amountremaining} ELSE 0 END
@Lenz - Netherlands don't use between. You need to say where the date is > X and < Y to create Between
AK47, that worked! Thank you!
I rejoiced too quickly... I see the error again. Here is how I am typing it: CASE WHEN {duedate} > '01/01/2020' AND {duedate} < '31/12/2020' THEN {amountremaining} ELSE null END Do you think this should work?
Check these formulas to get idea, I dont expect a raw string to compare to a date, no. http://www.melioza.com/2015/09/netsuite-report-dates.html
These are interesting but they don't seem to have my example of range between two exact dates
I got it working again, thanks for your help