We got upgraded last night, and now QuickView is b...
# releases
We got upgraded last night, and now QuickView is broken 😞
I have reported this as a defect with NetSuite. Waiting on an update.
Cool. Same here, Defect 661743 : Sales Order > Items > QuickView not working
It’s not only items though….
are you on the same defect number?
Yes, just received the following response: Defect 661743: Transaction Records > Items > QuickView not working Alternate Solution*: None* The urgency level assigned to your defect is U4. If a product change is required, the NetSuite Product teams will target resolution in an upcoming E-fix release. Based on our recent defect resolution performance, 50% of U4 issues were resolved within 1-2 E-fix release and 80% within 2-3 E-fix releases.
I hate that they admit that they broke it yet are like “we’ll fix it …. someday”
you’re frickin Oracle. Test shit before you release it, please.
😅 1
did this get fixed. It works in our RP account, and now concerned it will stop working when we get upgraded
It’s still broken
👀 1