Hi everyone, I'm trying to transform a sales order...
# suitescript
Hi everyone, I'm trying to transform a sales order to an item fulfillment using record.transform. The transformed record needs to be in dynamic mode so I can manipulate some sublist values, so I'm setting the isDynamic option to true. The script works in both SuiteScript 1.0 and 2.0, but for some reason, in 2.1 (the version I'd like to use for this script) I get the error message 'r is not a function'. When I remove the isDynamic option, it works fine in 2.1. Has anyone seen this before?
Did you have a typo in your code where you accidentally typed r somewhere?
Syntax is correct because it worked fine in 2.0. And @Sciuridae54696d thanks for posting that link but unfortunately none of those apply in my case. I'm running this part of the script in the debugger so it's possible this is a debugger issue and it will work when deployed, so I'll try creating a dummy script to see if that's the case.
what are you running in the debugger, 2.0 or 2.1?
I'm almost tempted to ask you to log r with JSON.stringify just to see what you get (or not get)
Debugger is running 2.1, so it's using the Chrome debugger when running
It's giving me the same error when I try to load a record in dynamic mode. There's something about dynamic mode that it doesn't like
what modules are you loading to the 2.1 debugger?
Just the record module. Actually, I tried with an employee record and it worked fine. It's only happening with transactions