I'm currently trying out some sample code from Net...
# suitescript
I'm currently trying out some sample code from Netsuite's official docs, but using
formatting on it instead of sorting through the backslashes. It looks something like this:
Copy code
var renderer = render.create();    
var xmlStr = `<?xml version="1.0"?><!DOCTYPE pdf PUBLIC "-//big.faceless.org//report" "report-1.1.dtd"><body font-size="18">Hello World!</body></pdf>`;

    var pdfFile = render.xmlToPdf({
      xmlString: xmlStr
I am getting a "Syntax Error: Illegal Character" error however. Does Netsuite support Template literals and Template strings? I had assumed it did since its own
Advanced PDF/HTML Template
wysiwyg editor utilized a similar function, but I might be misinformed.
your xml is invalid
there is no pdf start tag
other than that, make sure you are using suitescript 2.1
the SS2.1 fix seems to be the solution here, alongside the missing start tag. Thanks.
unfortunately you will have to keep track of which features suitescript supports, its not entirely modern
suitescript 1 and 2 go upto a pathetic es5
suitescript 2.1 goes upto 2019
👍 1