On a customer saved search I set the max results t...
# general
On a customer saved search I set the max results to 1 result. It works great except when I setup the automated daily email it shows all of the results instead of just the 1. Any idea how to fix this? Thanks!
Max results is just altering the view, the data is still there, and it seems the system doesn’t respect that value when emailing.
Any way to set the search to only show the first result in the criteria or results?
Could you give me the context for the purpose of your search, as well as screenshots of your criteria if possible.
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I have it setup to show a countdown from 16 spots available to 0 based on how many cars we have setup to be put into our build produciton
this is triggered by the "build Date" field on the sales orders
I want to have an email go out first thing in the morning letting the team know what the current build date is and how many spots they have left before it goes to the next day
Digesting this
No rush. I appreciate the help
Can you SS the results?
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Sorry, I meant the back end of the search.
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Just let me know if thats not what you needed
I think that’s everything, but I am back to work now, was just trying to help out on my lunch break and need some more time to think this over.
oh no worries then! Take your time