Hi folks, is it possible to turn off GL impact for...
# general
Hi folks, is it possible to turn off GL impact for Purchase orders and item receipts of purchase order. ?
You mean, you want to hide them from users or you want to completely remove the GL Impact?
to remove completely
When you create a purchase order, it automatically debits accrued purchases and credits accounts payable. The change that I would like to make is that creating a purchase order does not have a general ledger impact. A client want this @Luis
Is column Posted on GL Impact = "Yes"?
Also on Item Receipt, you can create a script to zero out the rate but your balance on Accrued Purchases will be wrong
I didn't see that before... by Netsuite Help, Purchase Orders are non-posting transactions.. I'm not sure if there are some set up to turn it on or any feature that require that, maybe Budgeting
I have also explored help center and Suiteanswers, I also didn't found something. So I thought to confirm.
thanks for your efforts
@tuli I'm sure that the PO GL Impact is non-posting - meaning, even if there's a GL Impact (Cr. Purchases Dr. Inventory) it does NOT post to your general ledger (no effect on FS). Why do you want to remove the GL Impact of Item Receipt? When do you want to recognize the increase in inventory value?
@tuli For POs like what @Luis said it's non posting. When you view the GL Impact the column "Posting" where it says no means that the GL entry wouldn't impact your financial statements. On the Item Receipt side though, it's more on an accounting control cause you are increasing your inventory and therefore there should be an equivalent increase in the Inventory Asset balance a decrease in asset increase in liability. It's probably worth understanding first why you want to remove the GL impact of the item receipt. Are you only using NetSuite to track inventory and not post Inventory balances in the system?
Why there is no GL impact of this item receipt . In what cases it is not there ?
Check if this is an Inventory Item... also if there is amount on Purchase Order