Anyone ever experienced, with saved searches, an e...
# general
Anyone ever experienced, with saved searches, an email not being triggered when it should be? 'Send email alerts when records are created/updated" is checked, and a specific recipient is on the list (me). I see a new result pop up, matching my criteria, but never triggers the email. I've seen this happen on a few different searches, but never able to nail down why. Most of the time, on other saved searches, the email triggers as expected. Thanks for any input!
@Justin B Verify whether email was triggered and sent to you (Setup -> Company -> Sent Email List) You might want to check your Id in bounced email address list (List -> Relationships -> Bounced Email addresses) If nothing works, check the check the employee record, remove the email id save and then enter the email id save and then recheck if issue resolves
sometimes as a last resort it can be worth recreating the search from scratch
Good idea @Hemang. I checked the Sent Email log and there's no record here of the emails being triggered from the saved search