Hello everyone, this is my first post here. I hope...
# general
Hello everyone, this is my first post here. I hope this won't be too lengthy. I'd like to ask how I can create a table within a subtab in a Custom Record Type. I was tasked to insert a step in our pipeline before creating a Sales Order, so I proceeded to create a Custom Record named Proforma Invoice. Adding custom fields weren't a big issue until I got to the Subtabs where I wanted to replicate what a Sales Order Entry Form has in its Items Subtab, with the intention of filling in some items that would eventually carry over to a Sales Order. Would anyone know how to go about this? What I would want to know is how to create this "table" where the end-user could enter an Item and the other columns would just source their data based from the entry's record. Thanks.
Why not just use an "estimate" transaction?
Estimate/Quote -> Sales Order -> Invoice
Firstly, thank you for responding. Going back: I could, but we're already using the Price Quote system. The idea was we would generate a Price Quote -> Proforma Invoice (PFI) -> Sales Order The challenge here being creating the PFI's form. Would it be possible to just use a separate entry form for a Price Quote instead? My concern is that it would collide with current Price Quotes and be harder to sort out.
Does your price quote dollar value always equal your Proforma Invoice? You could always use an advanced HTML/pdf template to do some logic based on fields to change the layout of the PDF
I believe so. The Price Quote's currency value will always equal the PFI since the latter is just an obtuse way of proving to the customer that that was the agreed-on price. In any case, I think I found the answer to my concern. Sorry if I've been replying slow, but I believe your responses have helped significantly. I don't have any further questions, but if I ever do, I'll post it again on the group. Thanks again!