Web Services only user trying to access a Quota Sa...
# integrations
Web Services only user trying to access a Quota Saved Search and receiving an error 'A Saved Search with the Internal IDXXXX does not exist'. However, when I remove Web Services and access via UI I can find the search. Has anyone experienced this? Integration platform is Workato. Thanks!
It’s likely that your integration is using a token that doesn’t have the same rights as your UI-based user.
@matt.graney Thank you for your reply. Can you expand further on that? What would need to be updated to allow for that? Thanks
I presume your Workato integration is using TBA. Tokens are associated with roles, and roles have permissions. I guess the role your token is using doesn’t have the requisite privileges. Look under Account Administration | Authentication | Token-based Authentication (TBA) in the Help Center. You will likely have to generate a new token (based on a more powerful role) and then use that token in your integration.
@matt.graney Yea, the integration is. Does the token inherit the roles permissions upon creation? In this case the necessary permissions of the role were updated after the token was created. Would that maybe be the factor here?
I’m a bit over my skis at this point, tbh. I’m not sure, but I think the token’s permissions don’t change once it’s created (which seems smart from a security pov). I’d recommend you create the token again.
I'll give it a shot and let you know what happens just for the sake of it. Appreciate it Matt
Found the actually reason to be, the Quota Saved Search is not currently accessible via SOAP. NS is listing it as a defect/Enhancement
@matt.graney just to being this full circle. I was about to build a SuiteQL query and access the data via REST WS.
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