I'm attempting to uninstall an SDF project from th...
# sdf
I'm attempting to uninstall an SDF project from the "Installed SuiteApp List" page. I get an install status of
. The Deployment Audit Trail shows the UNINSTALL action in a FAILED state. With an error reference of some hash, but then no logs. Any tips?
can you try again please?
if that does not help and you do not see any log file you can investigate you will need to reach out to support and add the reference hash that will help support to investigate what has gone wrong.
Thanks. I tried again. Still doesn't work. I think I have tracked it down to a custom role that is defined in the SDF project. When i try and delete that role, I'm getting This record cannot be deleted because it has dependent records. Is this a known issue? Any known workaround? I found this blog post, but the proposed resolution won't get me by.
Also, I tried using the "Change ID" feature on the role in the UI. In hopes that would sever the connection to the SuiteApp, but apparently did not work. Still get
when trying to uninstall 😕
@Brendon Parker if you have a object from a suiteapp and other objects(not from the suiteapp) become dependent on the suiteapp object you cannot uninstall a suiteapp as it would break other functionality. you need to manually remove the depencency and then you should be able to uninstall the suiteapp.
In this case I couldn't figure out what had become dependent on the role. Poked around for hours. Wasn't assigned to any users or tokens or custom records. Ended up working around by changing/blanking the APP ID on the role, which then let me uninstall the SuiteApp