We build assemblies that have ingredients and pack...
# manufacturing
We build assemblies that have ingredients and packaging that go into the assembly. When the assembly is built, it of course rolls up into the finished goods inventory account and when the assembly is shipped, the COGS transaction happens at the finished good COGS account. Our finance department doesn't want the transaction to be rolled up into the finished good COGS account (even though we are shipping the finished good and not the ingredients and the packaging separately) but instead wants to see it broken out by COGS ingredients and COGS packaging. Has anyone seen this in their manufacturing experience and if you have, how did you handle it in NetSuite? My first thought was something with sub-assemblies, but if I remember correctly, those would still roll up into one finished good assembly transaction
Sounds like you need a Kit Item (even though I really hate Kit items). But they would give you the option to ship 2 things with 1 line on a SO. And those 2 things could have different accounts
So basically we would build the ingredients on an assembly and the packaging on a separate assembly and make that in a kit to ship? We did talk about have two separate items but it doubles our work orders
Yes that is what I would think you need to do. I don't see any other way around it since you can only have 1 COGS account per item
thanks 1