Hi everyone! :wave: Is there a way using any NetSu...
# suitetalkapi
Hi everyone! 👋 Is there a way using any NetSuite API (SOAP or REST) to retrieve records from a saved search that also includes child records and grandchild records? We have three objects in play. • ZAB Subscription • ZAB Subscription Item, which is a child of ZAB Subscription • ZAB Count Data, which is a child of ZAB Subscription Item Today we have to execute three separate searches and then go through all of them to match data up to each other. Ideally, I would like to be able to run just a saved search on ZAB Subscription and get back the matching ZAB Subscription records, along with child ZAB Subscription Item records and grandchild ZAB Count Data records for every subscription.
with saved searches you're gonna be able to go at most 1 level deep from your record. So you could do a search for Subscription Items and get Subscription data since its a parent. Same is true for Count Data for Items. You can't go from Subscription own to Count data though. You can do it with 2 searches though it looks like. You may be able to do it with workbooks as they are a little more flexible. You could always email Zone & Co. They may have a way to do exactly what you want already.
You could also consider a SuiteQL query through the REST api.
☝️ 2
Thank you for the suggestions, @creece and @Shawn Talbert!