Is there a way to have a workflow, in this case a ...
# suiteflow
Is there a way to have a workflow, in this case a PO approval workflow, send a email back to the original creator of the PO upon it's rejection? The fields I have tried so far only send the email to the user who is rejecting it.
Absolutely. Have you tried using fields from Current Record for Created By or Employee?
Created by isnt an option for me and when I use employee or user I get the current user, not the user creating the transaction
You can create a workflow field "Created By", then create an action on entry to set Created by=user
Yeah, that was an option I was just hoping to avoid creating new fields. However if that makes the most sense I think I will have to do that.
@Jamie Wall If you use a workflow field (look at the bottom of the screen on the workflow page, below the trigger setup) you won't have to create a "real" new field. Workflow fields only exist inside the workflow instance to store information.
Oh interesting. I don't think I've used an actual workflow field before. I assumed Nicole just meant a field for the workflow. Now I'll have to look into that.
Okay so I see this, but I am not sure I see a place where I can actually source this information from
Alright, so I think I figured it out at least how to do what Nicole said. My workflow has many states though, and I'm having trouble figuring out how to set this up so that it becomes an option on the recipient part of the email action. @Catherine Fray Do you know where I could find more information on this?
It would be a workflow field that is using the employee list, and it should be the 1st action on the 1st stage in my opinion
Even when I tried that it didn't allow me to choose it at the email stage
You can't find the Created By workflow field on the receipt field?
It would be on the from filed>current record>Created By (Workflow)
message has been deleted
It doesn't show up as an option
can you send a screenshot of the workflow field itself
message has been deleted
message has been deleted
weird, have you refreshed the workflow?
Yeah. That didn't work. This is my first time using a workflow action though and I am trying to send the email from a different state. Would that matter?
workflow field rather
That shouldn't matter, and it should work ok. Do you want to give me a call?
you've created a state field
you need to create a workflow field. State fields only exist in the state you are in, "Workflow" fields are always available to any state
(The field ID yuo first listed says custwfstate2 - a workflow field id starts with custworkflow)
good catch
👍 1
I was able to get this working. Thank you all so much for your help on this
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