I am trying to set a custom field when the company...
# suiteflow
I am trying to set a custom field when the company is set on a case record. The setup looks like this: Trigger On: After Field Edit Triggering Client Field: Company Field: Custom Field From Field > Current Record Field: Company After setting the company field the sourcing of the company value does not get set to the custom field. The custom field has the Store Value on the field definition. I've tried without it as well. What I'm I doing wrong?
Is your custom field a list field or text? If list then what list is it pointed to?
It's a list that is pointing to the Customer record. And the Store Value is set.
I think that company field is really the entity record because you can select employees and other entities in it. That may be stopping your sourcing
I thought about that, but I couldn't see entity listed anywhere.
Try "after field sourcing"
Thanks, both. Oddly, I referred back to the original way of trying to do this, which was to source it directly within the field configuration and now it seems it works.