is there any way to wrap a count in an HTML anchor...
# suiteanalytics
is there any way to wrap a count in an HTML anchor tag something like '<a>'||to_char(count({internalid})||'</a>'
try length instead of count
isn't length for string lengths
I'm trying to get the count of records and make them clickable
Okay, wasn’t clear on what you were trying to do there. But, even if you got the count of records, what should clicking on that number do?
I would assume that this is a summary saved search (with at least one GROUP column), correct? Otherwise, what would you be counting?
trying to do a matrix style saved search
and make each cell clickable into the detail
That functionality already exists (to an extent) by default with summary saved searches. If you click on one of the grouped columns, you get the detail for that grouping. Any columns defined in the Drill Down Fields tab will be show in full detail. Are you trying to do something different from the standard summary/detail drill down functionality?
brackets aren’t matched so that’s one thing
☝️ 1