Is there a standard NS handling charge feature?
# administration
Is there a standard NS handling charge feature?
Yes under Shipping Items you can add handling charges. Or you can add handling charges to your item records as well
Thanks. I have created an item of type: Other Charge for Sale and would like to treat this as a tax item. Where on this item can I apply handling charges?
I don't think an Other Charge item can have handling charges. The field I have is always on the Sales/Pricing tab of the item record. However, you might need to make it a Non-inventory item to get the handling charge field.
I've now created a none inventory item and there is an option there to set the handling charge. But do we need to create a shipping Item and reference it to the item?
No I think the handling charge of all items will populate the handling charge field of the shipping tab of the SO natively
message has been deleted
I've now enabled the second checkbox
message has been deleted
If I now select this item I was expecting NS to simply add the handling cost but it's asking me to enter an amount