I have a question on vendor bill approval/rejects...
# administration
I have a question on vendor bill approval/rejects. Upon rejecting a bill is there an easy way to require the user to add a reject reason before the bill can be rejected ?
Way I've usually done it is to add a rejection reason field, and then slap a condition of rejection reason not empty onto the transition. There's definitely more fancy/pretty ways, but that does the trick.
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Now having a rejection reason field would require rejecter to edit and add the rejection notice in that field, that means the approver have edit permission in the workflow state. As a control no one should be able to edit the record at that stage - it should be locked. Once rejected bill should be editable by the creator only. I have used a script to tie in a user note or custom record to populate the reject reason field - based on the suiteanswers 8423. Easier option would be to just install the stickynote bundle and activate stickynote for bills, where rejecter/approver can create user specific stckynote. This option doesn't require any scripting. Also no changes to controls ie record locking needed.
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Agree that as a control, a record should be locked after approval, but we are talking about prior to approval here, and things being rejected, so there's no need for a control that things can't be edited before they're rejected. Also, are you sure that's the correct SA number? That article is entitled "Defining Summary Types to Roll Up Search Results".
interesting.. I will take a stab at it. Thanks all.
@KevinC. I have a popup “reject reason” script I’d be happy to give you - we use it for all of our custom approvals
@cashtexas It would be nice to take a look at it.. I massaged the one in suiteanswerw 84231.. but it would be nice with a popup for sure. If you can share it, I would graceously accept. Thanks