Looking for the best way to move Custom Forms betw...
# administration
Looking for the best way to move Custom Forms between NS Environments and keep the formatting in place. Bundling doesn't seem to carry over the formatting you have set in original environment. Copy to account never seems to work. Trying out SDF this morning, but if anyone has any info, let me know.
Gonna say SDF is likely your best bet.
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@Josh Godfrey, you might want to also try Salto for this (the open-source version is at https://github.com/salto-io/salto), and there’s also a commercial SaaS.
@Gil Hoffer does salto use SDF for the actual deployment? I haven't had much success in the past with SDF and moving custom forms. We usually end up doing them manually.
I had some success today with a few custom forms using SDF
Good to know, I'll give SDF another try next time
@michoel, in its open-source version, Salto wraps SDF (and knows how to workaround / properly handle various gotchas in SDF). As far as I know, there aren’t any known issues with Salto and custom forms. In the commercial version (mostly the SaaS version, but can be used also from the open-source CLI), it is using a mixture of a SDF and a SuiteApp that we created in order to extend SDF’s functionality (to areas it doesn’t support today ; e.g. deleting files from the file cabinet, accessing the entire file-cabinet, working with
, etc.).
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