what is the basic difference between *<http://Serv...
# suitecommerce
what is the basic difference between Service.ss File and ServiceController.js? Is it necessary to use both of them? As I am bit confused till date when to use ServiceController and When only SS however both works for me. Please guide me and everyone her. Thanks
You can look at their contents to see their differences. Service files are like RESTful endpoints that can be called to handle CRUD requests, whereas service controllers cannot. Historically, service files had to be manually written. Around Vinson (2016.2) we standardised them so that they could be automatically generated from service controller files. This means that rather than having to focus on writing boring CRUD code, developers just need to write how they want requests to be handled.
As with a lot of things, I would say "read the documentation" 🙂 https://docs.oracle.com/en/cloud/saas/netsuite/ns-online-help/section_4307439952.html
Yes, I think this clarify me now. Will also have look on those documentation. Thanks.