Update on the SuiteTalk error: when patching for t...
# suitecommerce
Update on the SuiteTalk error: when patching for token-based authentication (TBA) you are required, as one of the steps, to change the SuiteTalk version: https://docs.oracle.com/en/cloud/saas/netsuite/ns-online-help/section_161109634325.html#:~:text=selectToken%0A%2C%20[…]ory,-In%20the%20SuiteCommerce Can you all confirm that you have completed this step?
I did not get the issue myself but my colleague told me, it was applied and no luck.
Have you deployed @eminero??
Are you sure? Because a lot of other people have reported updating the version number as part of TBA and it now working
Ha! I will report back once I face the issue, it was another person who reported this to me but I cannot assure the patch was applied completely right. If this has worked for other people then I will try it once I have to. Thanks @Steve Goldberg!
hello @Steve Goldberg, I encountered the same issue "Endpoint 2015_1 is no longer supported" and applied all the changes needed based from the patch, however, upon deployment (token already created and I already selected the ssp app), the deployment did not proceed and this log/error is the only thing shown on the terminal "_getFileNamedsearcherror undefined_". This is Montblanc version by the way.
I don't have any additional information to give you. I would reach out to support