Is anyone UK/EU based and running 3D Secure 2.0 wi...
# suitecommerce
Is anyone UK/EU based and running 3D Secure 2.0 with Cybersource?
Natively? I don't think Cybersource supports that with their NS/SCA implementation
Thanks Steve. I'm a bit puzzled by all of this. We've bought SCA on the basis that it supports 3DS 2.0. Cybersource are Netsuite's preferred payment partner. If 3DS2 doesn't work with them, who does it work with? There's a deadline to have this in place in October, which is going to be mandatory for UK customers. I'm sure the same applies EU wide, but it may even be a global issue. I've got a case open regarding it, but I'm not getting a straight answer at the moment.
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Indeed, it is something we are aware of. The point is that not that the SC/A products do not support it, because it does, but (as I said) that Cybersource's implementation does not.
I'm not trying to wash our hands of this or point fingers, as it is something we are actively on trying to resolve
But, for example, we have customers on Adyen and MerchantE running 3DS 2.0 natively on SC/A
FTR one UK SCA site implemented Cybersource's Secure Acceptance external payment page for their CC capturing in order to ensure compliance.
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3DS2 is a web payment only. If the new Cybersource bundle supports it, surely it must be with Suitecommerce Advanced? It's certainly not with Sitebuilder, as we're already having to implement Secure Acceptance hosted pages on our sites still on it.
Hmm, I was not aware they had a "new SuiteApp". This does contradict my understanding, so I will ask someone in the payments team for more info
Technically I'm correct as it appears their SuiteApp is currently having issues supporting 3DS 2.0, which they are fixing