on an item fulfillment search, is there a way to g...
# suitescript
on an item fulfillment search, is there a way to get the order line? We keep getting the "line", but so far, soap says it doesn't recognize "line". If I change the soap call to use "line" it returns the below. Really I want it to return what the 1, 2, 3, 3 that is the orderline and not 0, 3, 6, 6
com.netledger.schemabean.NLSchemaBeanException: line not found on {urn:<http://sales_2020_1.transactions.webservices.netsuite.com|sales_2020_1.transactions.webservices.netsuite.com>}ItemFulfillmentItem
use the
Applied To
join to access the line id from the parent transaction
👍🏼 1
Ok, that's what I ended up doing.
I wish they would let us get to that same line without having to go to the applied transaction