What type of script should you use, if you want to...
# suitescript
What type of script should you use, if you want to a function to get executed on an event which is not user based. For example, if a script closes a workorder, would you be able to make another script that gets triggered when this happens
fair chance your user event gets triggered as long at that other script isnt another user event or workflow
What if the script that closes the workorders is a scheduled script?
scheduled scripts record edits can trigger user event scripts
So i want to make a script that gets triggered on workorder close, so i should just use a user event script? But closes are automated and happens automatically when the set quantity for the given workorder is produced
create a new user event script
make it trigger on all records and all context types
if it triggers when your work orders close, a user event is an option
if it doesnt, then you do a map/reduce or scheduled script
Alright thanks!