Anyone know how to dynamically grab the current us...
# suitescript
Anyone know how to dynamically grab the current user's permission to access a given custom record? This is what I've tried, but it always seems to return FULL permission:
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//Get User Permissions
			var objUser = runtime.getCurrentUser();
			//Get the environment internal ID for the custom record in the environment
			var objCustomRecord = record.create({
				type: 'customrecord_test'
			var stCustomRecordTypeId = objCustomRecord.getValue({fieldId: 'rectype'});
			var stPaymentRecordPermission = objUser.getPermission({
				name: 'LIST_CUSTRECORDENTRY' + stCustomRecordTypeId
			var stSublistPermission = stPaymentRecordPermission <= 1 ? serverWidget.FieldDisplayType.INLINE : serverWidget.FieldDisplayType.ENTRY;
			log.debug('DEBUG', 'User: ' + JSON.stringify(objUser));
			log.debug('DEBUG', 'Permission Level for LIST_CUSTRECORDENTRY' + stCustomRecordTypeId + ':' + stPaymentRecordPermission);
that looks like a partial solution
ignoring the part where it only works if you have at least create permission
you might actually want to check if that user can actually create/edit/delete those custom records
It's in the before load UE that executes as admin, so it shouldn't fail to execute that record.create
thats also probably why you have full permission as an admin
Yeah, you're probably right. Just weird because the user I'm returning still has the user's role listed, not admin. I guess that's just how the apis work. Thanks for your help.
run it using the current user's permissions
Yeah was trying to get the best of both worlds, but it appears no dice
if you are desperate, the hard way is to do a role search
depending on how generic you need to make your solution, it could work out
That did the trick! Gross, but it works! Thanks for your help!
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//Get User Permissions
			var objUser = runtime.getCurrentUser();
			log.debug('DEBUG', 'User: ' + JSON.stringify(objUser));
			//Get the environment internal ID for the custom record in the environment
			var objRecord = record.create({
				type: 'customrecord_test'
			var stCustomRecordTypeId = 'LIST_CUSTRECORDENTRY' + objRecord.getValue({fieldId: 'rectype'});
			log.debug('DEBUG', 'Custom Record Permission Desired: ' + stCustomRecordTypeId);
			var arrFilters = [];
			arrFilters.push(search.createFilter({name: 'internalid', operator: 'anyof', values: [objUser.role]}));
			arrFilters.push(search.createFilter({name: 'permission', operator: 'anyof', values: [stCustomRecordTypeId]}));
			log.debug('DEBUG', 'Custom Record Permission Filters: ' + JSON.stringify(arrFilters));
			var arrPermissionSearchResults ='role', null, arrFilters, ['permission','level']);
			var stSublistType = serverWidget.SublistType.LIST;
			var stSublistPermission = serverWidget.FieldDisplayType.INLINE;
			log.debug('DEBUG', 'Custom Record Permission Results: ' + JSON.stringify(arrPermissionSearchResults));
			for(var intPermissionIndex = 0; intPermissionIndex < arrPermissionSearchResults.length; intPermissionIndex++)
				var stPaymentRecordPermissionLevel = arrPermissionSearchResults[intPermissionIndex].getValue({name: 'level'});
				log.debug('DEBUG', 'Permission Level for ' + stCustomRecordTypeId + ':' + stPaymentRecordPermissionLevel);
				if(stPaymentRecordPermissionLevel > 1)
					stSublistType = serverWidget.SublistType.INLINEEDITOR;
					stSublistPermission = serverWidget.FieldDisplayType.ENTRY;
					log.debug('DEBUG', 'Permission Granted!');
depends on how generic your solution needs to be
by default, its wrong for the owner of the custom record
they always have full permission
global permissions require you to also search the user's global permissions
and there are 2 other permission modals