I am using N/task module to call scheduled script ...
# suitescript
I am using N/task module to call scheduled script inside UE script.
Copy code
var scriptTask = task.create({
  taskType: task.TaskType.SCHEDULED_SCRIPT,
  scriptId: 'customscript_xxx',
  deploymentId: 'customdeploy_xxx',
  params: {...}
var scriptTaskId = scriptTask.submit();
And it shows this error message:
Copy code
  "type": "error.SuiteScriptError",
  "message": "You do not have permission to perform this operation.",
  "stack": [
  "cause": {
    "type": "internal error",
    "details": "You do not have permission to perform this operation.",
    "userEvent": "aftersubmit",
    "stackTrace": [
    "notifyOff": false
  "id": "",
  "notifyOff": false,
  "userFacing": false
What is the reason? Does it need administrator permission to submit task inside SuiteScript?
ScheduledScriptTask.submit lists the requirements needed
Thank you!
@NS Expert add the Suitescript Scheduling permission to your role
The role is supposed to work for API. "Allows use of an API (for example, ScheduledScriptTask.submit()) to execute an on demand scheduled script or on demand map/reduce script." But I don't use API and call it in UE script.