<@UN2TDLE2Z> Yes, you need to store them in the fi...
# suitescript
@AB Yes, you need to store them in the file cabinet, make them available without login and them you can merge them with pdf set
Hi @alien4u, below is my code, var renderer = render.create(); renderer.addRecord('record',record.load({ type: record.Type.VENDOR_PAYMENT, id: recInternalId }) ); renderer.setTemplateByScriptId('CUSTTMPL_344_4506264_527'); var pdfFile = renderer.renderAsPdf(); context.response.writeFile(pdfFile,true); How do I upload a PDF template? can you please provide some codes or links?
You want to merge PDF templates or files? If you want to merge PDF templates what would be the final intention of that?
I want to merge the PDF template. Just like the standard PrintCheque form does, Please check the PDF template
@alien4u If someone selects two transaction records on the PrintCheque form, it will concate the PDF template and show in a new tab after the "Print" button clicking
@alien4u I am designing the custom PrintCheque same like standard one using SuiteScript
Those are not two templates merged, those are two PDFs merged, re-creating that print queue is not an easy task and you would run out of governance when you try to print to many PDFs… this require some architecture/design and it not easy it is a complex problem to solve…
As for merging PDF the steps would be: • create each PDF. • Save then and make the files available without login. • Merge them into a final PDF with pdf set…
@alien4u Okay, do you have any sample code to merge PDFs?? Please share with me
To add, you can also choose not to save the PDF in file cabinet to use the pdfset tag. <pdfset> <pdf> </pdf> <pdf> </pdf> </pdfset> ^ can also do the trick.
@wbermudo thank you