Hi :wave: What is the best way to check for `SSS_...
# suitescript
Hi 👋 What is the best way to check for
in a RestLet?
The service hitting the RESTELET should get a 400. We have implemented a couple of things depending on what we are attempting to do. In some cases we throttle our concurrent requests back and retry those that have failed after a period of time if the action has been triggered by a user, or we store the failure and give the user the option to retry the data at a later point in time if it was an automated fire https://docs.oracle.com/en/cloud/saas/netsuite/ns-online-help/bridgehead_1525252812.html
Ok, thanks. So does the Restlet exit at once when it gets
or can I catch it and clean-up or retry from inside the Restlet?
I don't think it is possible to do within the restlet
👍 1
Ok. Thanks 👍