Hello All, Is sourcing, on transaction 'item' subl...
# suitescript
Hello All, Is sourcing, on transaction 'item' sublist working, when adding an item on (UE) BeforeSubmit. In the code record.lineInsert is being used to add a new item and the expectation is for the fields related (sourced) by the item to be auto-populated. Thanks
dont expect the record from a user event script to be in dynamic mode
it is not.
Should it be, in order the sourcing to be working?
do you understand the difference between standard and dynamic mode, especially in regards to sourcing
I thought I did... I am a bit confused because I am trying to fix a code that is not mine and I was told this was always working
what does the code look like
Like shit 😄 I think you pointed me to the right direction. I need to investigate further why this 'used to work' and change the way this is being handled. Probably do it on aftersubmit
thanks for taking the time