Hey! I have a strange issue where I have a self ex...
# suitescript
Hey! I have a strange issue where I have a self executing function that works fine in a Scheduled script, but when I move the function to a custom module, that is consumed by the Scheduled script, I get SSS_USAGE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED as soon as I try to run the Scheduled script. If I change it to a function expression and trigger it later on in the code, it works fine.. anyone had this issue and knows why it happens?
why not just use it as a function then?
@NickSuite that wasn’t the question 🙂 I am, and it works, but I’m interested in why it doesn’t work in a module..
No need to be rude buddy.
I am guessing because as soon as your module is loaded (even before your actual SS), it executes the function.
What does your IIF do?
@NickSuite not trying to be rude, sorry if that’s how it came across. Yeah that does make sense.. I guess I’m just confused by the error message not making sense to me. The function gets some data from the DB and puts it into a variable, data that should stay the same throughout the whole script execution and I only wanted to fetch it once, figured it would be nice to do the fetch in the beginning of the script and one time.
Since the function is executed even before the script, NetSuite doesn't have any idea about the governance, and throws the error. This is my idea
@NickSuite makes perfect sense, I really didn’t think about the order of execution in this case. Thanks a lot!
👍 1