I also posted this in the manufacturing channel, b...
# accounting
I also posted this in the manufacturing channel, but it's technically an accounting question so I wanted to share it here also We build assemblies that have ingredients and packaging that go into the assembly. When the assembly is built, it of course rolls up into the finished goods inventory account and when the assembly is shipped, the COGS transaction happens at the finished good COGS account. Our finance department doesn't want the transaction to be rolled up into the finished good COGS account (even though we are shipping the finished good and not the ingredients and the packaging separately) but instead wants to see it broken out by COGS ingredients and COGS packaging. Has anyone seen this in their manufacturing experience and if you have, how did you handle it in NetSuite? My first thought was something with sub-assemblies, but if I remember correctly, those would still roll up into one finished good assembly transaction (edited)
I had a sort of similar scenario, where we were assembling, warehousing, and shipping goods that technically weren't owned by the company (it was a NFP that was distributing humanitarian supplies owned by donors). Ultimately, we just did some reporting for any real-time needs and an adjusting JE at month-end so the BS and IS looked the way they wanted. I proposed both a daily/weekly import based off saved searches and a scripted solution, but when you ask the accounting team if they're willing to run an import every day or spend money to achieve their goals, suddenly they're all about the simple solution 🤔.
Sounds like we have similar solutions - I also proposed running reports to get what they're after and if they need it to have a GL impact, they can make journal entries - thanks for the insight!
you could use and item Group or a Kit Item rather than an assembly. Then the fulfillment would treat the components individually.
Not an accounting person so read it with grain of salt : can you create a sub account that rolls up to COGS and assign them to assembly ? COGS:packaging and COGS:ingredients
I created a custom search for splitting the input into finished goods by assembly component to accomplish a similar request for a client
I.e. Making a widget that requires material type a and b and c and I can tell you all the inputs based on average cost going into building it
So you were just giving the information to then make manual journal entries (if necessary)?
No - just an internal reporting tool for them to understand how their costs were being driven
No change to the accounting the system is doing, because frankly that's a way to wind up with books that don't pass audit
👍 1
🤣 1